Funded by

Strand II, Measure II.1.1.C

Courtesy of Kyriakos Rokos, Sculptor.


for the Integration of Remote Sensing, Digital Processing of Satellite Imagery,

Photointerpretation and GIS Methods, Techniques and Applications'




Scientist in charge: Prof. D. ROKOS


General Information

The main objective of DECETI Project was to provide educational and vocational training in the scientific fields of Remote Sensing, Digital Image Processing, Photointerpretation and GIS in studying environmental problems, to the scientists, engineers and technicians of the private and public sector.

Besides, the Project aimed at:

  • transferring the results of the technological research in the above mentioned state-of-the-art scientific fields from the Universities to the relevant Firms and Organisations of the private and public sector,

  • facilitating the access to new technologies and innovations for persons who are disadvantaged due to geographic factors or by permanent/temporary physical disabilities and face the danger of being excluded from the production,

  • supporting women’s educational and vocational training in these advanced scientific fields,

  • providing the educational and vocational "market" with tools for self-training (CD-ROM) that would prove their advantages and would encourage on the one hand the organisers of training programmes to adopt them and on the other hand possible users to prefer them.

These objectives have been met through:

  • exhaustive analysis of market’s needs for educational and vocational training in the above scientific fields,

  • production of a CD-ROM whose content has been defined by the market analysis,

  • continuous evaluation procedures which guarantee the quality of the final product,

  • several dissemination activities by all Partners.

The final product of the Project is a CD-ROM that consists of three Modules:

  • Module A: “General knowledge in Remote Sensing, Digital Image Processing, Photointerpretation and GIS” with Theory, Examples and Applications prepared by NaTUReS Lab.

  • Module B: “Pattern Recognition and Image Interpretation in Remote Sensing” with Theory, Examples and Applications prepared by IRIT Group of University Paul Sabatier.

  • Module C: ”Tutorial in Modern Techniques in Remote Sensing” with Theory and Examples prepared by VSSP Group of University of Surrey.

As far as the dissemination activities are concerned these could be summarised in the following:

  • Update of participating Universities web sites with information on DECETI Project and with the total DECETI CD-ROM material.

  • Registration of the Project in the Server (EWSE) of a major European Project that is the Centre for Earth Observation (CEO).

  • Contact with the Presidents of important Scientific and Professional Associations for publishing in the Bulletins of their Associations description of DECETI Project.

  • Contact with the teaching staff of major Academic Institutions (e.g. Universities).

  • Participation in several Conferences, Workshops, Seminars etc.

  • Dissemination through talks, publications and tutorials.

  • Production of promotional material (leaflet in english) which will be sent electronically to a lot of organisations/users and will inform them about DECETI Project.

  • Contact with important Organisations/Enterprises etc. in the framework of product's “final” evaluation in the three countries (Greece, France, UK) which was at the same time an indirect way of dissemination for the CD-ROM.

There is no need to commercialise the CD-ROM and it will be disseminated free.