Remote Sensing Airborne Image Acquisition Systems:
1 VNIR Spectrographic Imaging System CASI-550
1 Thermal Imaging System TABI-320
Photo-Interpretation Instruments and Systems:
1 KARTOFLEX M map revision equipment (Aus JENA) 1 INTERPRETOSKOP C (Aus JENA)
1 Double mirror stereoscope (Sokkisha) 1 Zoom stereoscope (Bausch & Lomb)
13 Mirror stereoscopes (Aus JENA) 13 Mirror stereoscopes (Geoscope Stereo Aids)
8 Mirror stereoscopes (Ottico Meccanica) 1 Mirror stereoscope (Benz Bassel Photoplast)
1 Mirror stereoscope (3OM3) 4 Sketchmasters (Aus JENA) 200 Pocket stereoscopes (Aus JENA)
Systems for Digital Image Processing of Remotely
Sensed Images and G.I.S. :
40 Latest technology PC workstations for G.I.S. and
Digital Image Processing and Analysis of Remotely Sensed Images. Relevant software:
ArcGIS, Manifold GIS, Quantum GIS, GRASS, Definiens Pro, eCognition Pro, ENVI+IDL, ERDAS Imagine, ER Mapper,
PCI Geomatica, Idrisi, SarScape, TNT-Mips, Integrated System for Analog and Digital Image Analysis and Processing
(developed by the Na.T.U.Re'S Laboratory).
3 Unix workstations (2 Silicon Graphics IRIS/INDIGO
R4400/XS24 and 1 SUN SPARCstation 10 model 30) with high resolution graphics, for G.I.S.
and Digital Image Processing and Analysis of Remotely Sensed Images. Relevant software
available: Arc/Info, ArcView, ERMapper, TNT-Mips, S-Plus
Available printing and scanning devices:
10 network laser printers, 10 inkjet printers
and 2 A0 plotters are the latest technology printing devices of the NaTURe'S Laboratory.
Moreover the Laboratory of Remote Sensing has 6 high quality scanning devices and 4
photocopy machines.
Computer Networks Serving the Na.T.U.Re'S Laboratory needs:
The Geo-Information Center of the Rural and Surveying
Engineering Department. Relevant software available: ArcGIS, ER Mapper, ERDAS
Imagine, SoftPlotter, Idrisi, AutoCAD, Adobe PhotoShop, Gimp, Corel Draw, Microsoft Office, OpenOffice etc.
The N.T.U.A. Campus Network. Relevant software available:
ArcGIS, Oracle, MATLAB, SAS etc.
All NTUA students, personnel and collaborators may gain
access to the computer center facilities while every PC of the NTUA is connected on
the campus network.
Field Trip Equipment:
1 GER 1500 Spectroradiometer with Magellan GPS.
2 PDAs with GPS and ArcPad software.
1 Trimble Scoutmaster GPS.
1 Olympus IS3000 photographic camera.
1 Canon AE-1 photographic camera.
1 Nikon D70 Digital camera.
1 Kodak DC50 Digital Camera.
2 Video cameras (1 Panassonic VHS and 1 JVC High-8).
Extra Equipment:
2 Portable projectors for presentations.
1 TV set 25" with VHS video recorder/player, used for educational purposes.
1 Reflection-Transmition Color Densitometer Kodak (model 10-K).
1 Analogue oscilloscope 20MHz (dual channel).