
Thinking ... Fuzzy!! |
"If a field has gentle slope and its type of rocks is permeable
and its soil depth is shallow it has low risk of soil
erosion." |
"No, no... Try again! Use the phraseology of something belonging to a
class!" |
"If a field has slope that belongs to class "gentle" and its
rock belongs to class "permeable " and the depth of its soil belongs
to class "shallow", this field belongs to class "low" with respect to its
risk to soil erosion." |
"...But how do I handle membership functions? " |
"Think of the membership function as the "strength" of an association,
i.e. the strength with which something belongs to a class. And then
think of the requirements you have in order to say that the risk to erosion
is "low": They all have to be satisfied for your conclusion to be sound.
These requirements are like the links of a chain: they all have to be there
for the chain to work!" |